Trinity United Groups
Here at Trinity United Presbyterian Church, we have a few groups that meet once a month. All are welcome to join!
If you have any questions or would like more information,
please reach out to the main office and they can direct you to the group leaders.
Sisters United in Christ
Sisters United in Christ (formally titled Grandparent's Group) usually meets the third Wednesday of the month at 10:30am in the TUPC Fellowship Hall. This group gathers to fellowship around different monthly activities ranging from learning exercises you can do at home, to making and delivering blankets to shut-ins, reading and reflecting on a book together or engaging in special topics. Lunch is usually shared as well.
Naomi Circle
Naomi Circle usually meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10:30am in the TUPC Fellowship Hall. This is one of our two Presbyterian Women's groups, and you can find more information about it here.
Sarah Circle
Sarah Circle usually meets the second Monday of the month at 6:15pm in the TUPC Fellowship Hall. This is one of our two Presbyterian Women's groups, and you can find more information about it here.
Men's Bible Study
Men's Bible Study usually meets every Wednesday of the month at 11:00am in the TUPC Conference room. The group gathers together to study the scriptures through the use of a provided curriculum. All are welcome to join this lively and fun group!
Game Day
Game Day usually meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 1:00pm in the TUPC Fellowship Hall. Come join for fun, fellowship, and snacks. Feel free to bring your own games to play. Always fun, this group is great at teaching new games and having a great time together!